New website goes live

Cotswolds Tourism have launched a brand new website to promote and market the Cotswolds to the domestic and international travel market.

The six month project to transform follows consultation with Cotswolds Tourism partners to create a new website that reinforces the area as one of the country’s leading tourist destinations.

The emphasis on bold and beautiful imagery makes the website a great showcase of what the Cotswolds can offer visitors.  It’s also easy to navigate and has a clean and contemporary look, all in a responsive format for optimum mobile browsing.

Digital Marketing Manager for Cotswolds Tourism, Victoria Carman, who’s led the development of the new web-site said “The brand new website will be a fantastic promotional tool for the Cotswolds.  It uses inspirational images and content, as well as a great navigation to help our visitors find the information that they require quickly. It also provides them with further information on all of the activities and accommodation providers in the Cotswolds to encourage them to visit this wonderful destination.”

Cotswolds Tourism Chief Executive Robin Tjolle said “We are so pleased that the new site has gone live. It will enable the partnership and our businesses to attract more national and international visitors to the region. The Cotswolds has so much to offer our visitors and now they can easily find all the information they need to encourage them to choose the Cotswolds as their next holiday destination.  Tourism to the Cotswolds is worth over £1billion per year and the new site will help us to encourage visitors to stay longer and support this important part our local economy. “

The new website will complement the Cotswolds Official Visitor Guide App – one of the top performing destination apps.  Both have been developed by New Mind/Tell Us who are specialists in destination website development.

The Cotswolds are already one of the most recognised brands both nationally and across the world thanks to the unique landscape, picturesque villages, vibrant towns and cities as well as great food and drink, accommodation and attractions.  ENDS.